Category: EANA
Meeting Calendar (Beta)
EANA Guidlines
Activities Subcommittee
Meeting list test
Old EANA Meeting list
Click on meeting for details (Note: meeting end times are not exact and some differ from listing below)
Closed meetings are for addicts only
Open meetings are open to all
WA = Wheelchair accessible
OP = Open
CL = Closed
SP = Speaker
D = Discussion
TS = Text Study
TD = Topic Discussion
SS = Step Study
TrS = Tradition Study
Tag = Tag Discussion
SWG = Step Writing Group
EANA Guidelines
You will be able to listen to members share when we post the audio.
If anyone would like to volunteer and has more then 2 years clean time please
send us a message. Contact us.
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Clean Time Calculator
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English Area of Narcotics Anonymous
for the Quebec Region